We’re proud to report the Alliance One ATM Locator app has been downloaded thousands of times, with more downloads each day. As society becomes increasingly mobile, we know each download of our app signifies another cardholder with easier access to Alliance One. And, the more cardholders we have using Alliance One, the more value it provides for participants, like you. To help you promote the new app to your cardholders, we’ve developed a print-ready Alliance One ATM Locator app promo kit.
The kit includes:
- Posters to hang in your financial institution—on doors and in drive-thru windows
- Table tents to place at teller windows
- Web banners for your FI’s Web site
- Statement stuffer announcements
To access your kit, login to your account on allianceone.coop and select "Marketing Resources." We hope these assets help you raise awareness among your cardholders about the Alliance One ATM Locator app. Cardholders can easily download the app from their phone’s app store or by scanning the QR code we’ve placed on the materials and/or on www.allianceone.coop/mobile-app.