We would like to briefly remind you that if you have ATMs branded by your credit union that are not included in Alliance One, you run the risk of confusing cardholders using your ATMs for surcharge-free access. Cardholders won’t be able to tell the difference between an ATM in the Alliance One group and an ATM outside of it, which potentially exposes cardholders to unnecessary fees.
Whether your credit union owns or leases your ATMs, please keep in mind that ALL ATMs branded by your credit union should be providing surcharge-free access to participants’ cardholders.
Do your terminals have Alliance One decals?
Just a reminder that Alliance One decals should be prominently displayed on all terminals. This is a key indicator to Alliance One participant cardholders that the respective terminal is a qualifying ATM. Contact us at allianceonesupport@allianceone.coop to order new, complimentary ATM decals (4"x4").