Temperatures may be falling, but ATM fees are not. It’s time to use these free, customizable marketing materials to remind your members that they can keep more of their money in their pockets when they use Alliance One. Remember to use our fall and winter marketing resources now and keep the spring ones handy for the upcoming year.
App Promo Kit resources:
These free promotional materials are easy to download and print. We have designed a variety of options that correspond with the current season. Use just one theme or all three! Materials include posters, statement stuffers, and table tents. We have also included the printing instructions so you can print the best version possible of your chosen theme. If you need help downloading or printing the materials, just contact us at allianceonesupport@allianceone.coop, and we can walk you through it.
App Promo Kit resources: Fall
These free promotional materials are easy to download and print. We have designed a variety of options that correspond with the current season. Use just one theme or all three! Materials include posters, statement stuffers, and table tents. We have also included the printing instructions so you can print the best version possible of your chosen theme. If you need help downloading or printing the materials, just contact us at allianceonesupport@allianceone.coop, and we can walk you through it.
Download entire App Promo Kit: Fall (.zip)
Always a treat, never a trick theme:
Poster | Statement Stuffer | Table Tent
Our fans agree: Surcharge free ATMs are a win-win theme:
Poster | Statement Stuffer | Table Tent
Harvest the savings (Pumpkin) theme:
Poster | Statement Stuffer | Table Tent
Rake in the savings (Autumn Field) theme:
In addition, take advantage of our print-ready mobile app promo kit, which makes it easy for your financial institution to get the word out. The kit includes the following:
- Posters to hang in your financial institution—on doors and in drive-thru windows
- Table tents to place at teller windows
- Statement-stuffer announcements
- Web banners for your FI’s website